Monday 6 September 2010

I've got good news and bad news which one do you want to hear first? I'll tell you the good news first...WE ARE HERE!!! We have reached our destination.... Moses! The bad news isn't that our tent blew away or burnt down it's that Ellie and not even Josh is here! They are in London visiting cousins and relatives. They left a few days before we got here tomorro.


  1. We are so excited that you have made it. Your house looks beautiful (sorry to hear about the window that won't stay open). Jacob is missing Maya at school and has asked a lot of questions about Portugal and what you are all up to - he would like to ask 'How are you doing Maya?' and 'What is it like over there?'. Here we are all back at school (and work). The endless London cloud is a bit hard after weeks of sunshine in the South of France, but we are getting on with it.

  2. It has been absalutelty boiling in the summer and we've seen like 12 or 13 praying mantises probebly more!
